Woodbury, Minnesota, Trusts Attorney

Trusts are versatile legal instruments that can be used for a variety of purposes. Some are fairly straightforward. Others are highly sophisticated. All of them can be divided into one of two categories: revocable or irrevocable.

Revocable trusts, as the name implies, can be amended, restated or revoked at any time. This enables the person who creates the trust (the Grantor) to retain full control of the assets held by the trust and to make any changes to the trust’s terms after its establishment. Irrevocable trusts, also as the name implies, generally cannot be revoked, restated or amended once established.

In either case, clients who opt to have a trust drafted have the ability to protect assets for their beneficiaries as well as integrate more sophisticated tax planning into their estate plans. Further, having a trust in place allows your family to keep your estate plan private and avoid the costly probate process.

Call Today to Schedule a Free 60-Minute Initial Consultation

I’m attorney Meagan J. Fox. I can help you answer the question of whether or not a trust is right for you, help you determine what type of trust would best meet your needs, and provide the legal skills needed to help you establish it.

Schedule an initial appointment with me today by calling my office at 715.829.3484 or sending me a brief email inquiry, which I will personally respond just as soon as I have the opportunity.

The Law Office of M.J. Fox, P.A. provides professional estate planning services to clients throughout the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area and surrounding portions of Central Minnesota.